
The Celtic Warrior # Sheamus # Face
Mike Punk # Cm Punk # Heel
joey # hhh # face 
Mark Henry # Mark Henry # Heel
Gabriel Show # Big Show # Heel
Vocare Dallas # Bo Dallas # Twenner
Storm Perfect # Brock Lesnar # Heel
Fandango # Fandango # Tweener
Lucas Rock # The Rock # Face
alex riley # alex riley # hell
Damien Sandow # Damien Sandow # Heel
Randy Orton # Randy Orton # Heel
Batista # Batista # Heel

Bruno miz # The miz # Heel
Luan Stone cold steve austin # Stone cold # hell
Júlio # HBK Shawn Michaels # Face 
Zig Nemeth # Dolph Ziggler # Heel 
Cooper # Chris Jericho # Heel
Chris Parks # Suicide #Heel
Jack American # Jack Swagger # Heel- MANAGER -Zeb Colter # Zeb Colter # Heel
John Cena # John Cena # Twenner
iuri 619 # rey mysterio # face
Kane # Kane # Heel
Antonio Cesaro # Antonio Cesaro # Heel
Leonardo Del Rio # Alberto Del Rio # Heel

Daena Ouellet # Maryse Ouellet # Heel
Angellyna McMahon # Lita # Heel

2 comentários:

Lucas Rock disse...

Lucas Rock # The Rock # Face

Anônimo disse...

name: Scott Adans // edge //heel